Staggeringly Simple Medication Management

You don’t have to be a whiz-kid!

We strongly believe that technology should be inclusive to everyone.

If you have a weak tech understanding then why should it affect your ability to gain access to the solutions and help that you need?

Our technology is built around the user with simplicity in mind.

All you have to do is simply recognise a number. Open the corresponding numbered door on the YOURmeds pack. Access your medication behind.

Almost like it’s an advent calendar!

YOURmeds medication management solution is being used by people of all ages and incomes regardless of their tech knowledge.


Because it is simple, efficient, and effective in helping people to take the right medication at the right time with support from their network of family and friends.


Please note that nothing in this blog constitutes official medical advice. It contains our opinions only. Always consult your healthcare provider when making healthcare decisions for you and your family.
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