Join us to help make medication adherence a national priority!
YOURmeds is on a mission to support people to take the right medicines at the right time.

About YOURmeds
YOURmeds helps people to take the right medicines at the right time. It sounds simple but fewer than half take their medication correctly. This can be for many reasons from complicated medication regimes, not understanding why the medicines are needed to simply forgetting.
We came up with YOURmeds because our founders were struggling to support elderly parents at home. They realised that medication management was a key factor behind people remaining independent. The APP is a key aspect of the support system as family and friends are a key part of the YOURmeds circle of care.
The World Health Organization recognises that “Improving adherence may well result in better health outcomes than making available new technologies. An investment that pays, better adherence will avoid excess costs to already stretched health systems and will improve the lives of people with chronic diseases.”1

Did you know...
The NHS spent £9.59 billion on prescriptions for people living in the community in 2022. The majority of this was for people with conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other long-term conditions. The majority of the people were over 65 .
On average YOURmeds increases medication adherence to 84% – if someone takes their meds properly 4 times in 5, then their chances of remaining independent and a better outcome increases significantly. We think everyone would want this for their family members.
1 in 4 of our adherent rounds is due to the supporter nudge – the circle of care really works. And people appreciate the greater human contact.
We work with adult social care teams across the UK to support people to take their medicines correctly, hear from some of our users and supporters in Manchester
Why invest with us?
- Global medication adherence market is valued at $2.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $4.4 billion by 2030 ( 2 This does not include the cost of treating people who have not taken their meds. According to IMS and McKinsey, this increases the cost a hundredfold)
- The costliest medicine is the one that is not taken! In healthcare, incremental improvements can have dramatic changes!
- We’ve raised £1.2 million so far to date from a mixture of VC and private investors
- We’ve doubled our turnover for the last 2 years and plan to do so again in 2024 and 2025
Our plans for the investment
- Launch YOURmeds directly to the public through either a self-fill or pharmacy-fill option. We have over 350 pharmacies and partners currently and we are looking for more
- Extend our reach into Europe and beyond. We’ve already started working in the Netherlands and Spain, and have signed a 3 year deal with an Australian pharmacy chain. We also have interest from North America that we are looking to meet
EIS Relief is available
Investors can claim up to 30% income tax relief on EIS investments, which gives an incentive for some of the risk normally associated with funding small companies. The maximum investment that investors can claim relief on in a single tax year is £1 million, which amounts to £300,000 of income tax relief.
Investors can get relief in the tax year money is invested into a company. This might be different to the year the investment is made into an EIS fund because of the time taken to make investments. Please note, investors have to hold shares for at least three years.
Interested in investing?
Register your interest and we’ll be in touch to set up a meeting to give you more information